Stay At Home Mom Divorce Child Custody
Will I Receive Alimony if I’m a Stay-At-Home Mom?
Women who are stay-at-home moms are the most likely to get alimony in a divorce case.
I get asked this question a ton because stay-at-home moms are really worried about this. They haven’t been in the workforce for a long time, they have a number of kids and have been married for quite a while and they’re just scared in the sense that they’re gonna get divorced, they don’t know what’s gonna happen, they don’t know if they’re gonna have enough money, so understand this question here’s how I answer it…
It depends on things like:
- How long you’ve been married
- How many kids you have
- What your earning potential is when you go back to work
- And how much money you need after you get divorced
In my experience as a Utah family law attorney, women who are stay-at-home moms, and have been stay-at-home moms for a while, are pretty much the most likely women to get alimony in a divorce case.
Alimony is structure for these various sorts of situations where you’ve been out of the workforce for a long time you don’t have good earning potential. Maybe you need to go back to school and you need some help doing that, and that’s really what alimony is made for.
What our law firm does, is put together all of the numbers, an alimony-range, and then our job as attorneys is to get you the high end of that alimony range and get alimony for you as long as we possibly can..
Alimony is almost always capped at the number of years you’ve been married. So if you’ve been married for 20 years, you are eligible to receive up to 20 years of alimony.
Our job, as your attorney, is to get you the highest amount possible, every month, for the longest period of time possible.