Utah Divorce Attorney
Marco Brown
Marco Clayton Brown
Managing Partner
Brown Family Law, LLC
Sandy, Utah
Phone: 801-685-9999

Marco Clayton Brown
Managing Partner
Brown Family Law, LLC
Sandy, Utah
Phone: 801-685-9999
Marco Brown – Divorce Attorney
Marco Brown
I still remember the day a good friend called and asked me to help her get divorced. Hers was a very difficult situation, and while I had never done a divorce before, I knew I needed to take her case.
The night before I met with her, I stayed up until 3 a.m. reading everything I could about family law. Whatever I read that night worked because we got a great result.
Honestly, I had never thought about being a divorce attorney before my friend’s case. After her case, however, I was hooked.
At this point, I have to back up for a moment. I grew up in a little village in Alaska (and by little I mean 85 people little). Kids from places like that don’t become successful lawyers. Thankfully, however, my parents expected big things of their boys. They expected us to be like our grandmother, who had a doctorate and was a special education professor. We were to be educated and serve our communities. That was our duty.
I had searched since I was young to fulfill that duty, and I had done okay at it. I served a mission for my church in Italy. I worked full-time with intellectually impaired individuals for years. I clerked for judges in the third district in Iowa after law school.
All of that was great, and I loved it. But it wasn’t until I helped my friend that I found what I had been looking for in the law. Helping families successfully transition during such a difficult period was necessary, fulfilling, and important work.
Since finishing my friend’s case, I have dedicated myself to becoming the best divorce and family law attorney possible and developing the best family law firm in Utah.
Outside Work
When I’m not working, I hang with my family. My beautiful wife, Demaree, has a doctorate in vocal performance. In other words, she sings opera (yeah, she’s the one everyone likes, and I’m the lawyer). My son is a ham who loves bowling and often refers to himself in the third-person.
I also read. A lot. Like geek amounts a lot. It’s usually about history, law, or business. I don’t read much fiction, but when I do I prefer Steinbeck and Kafka. (I already used the word “geek,” right?)
I cook too — Italian mostly, because it’s awesome. My favorite food is pizza. (Not Domino’s or Papa John’s; the real stuff you find on spaccanapoli in Naples.) Pizza is how we know God loves us.
And to keep weight off while I read and cook, I hike or lift weights.
When possible, we vacation as a family in Europe. There’s nothing quite like walking the old streets, smelling the pastries, visiting the museums, and soaking in the amazing cultures.
Thank you so much for letting me introduce myself. I hope our website and our firm provide you the knowledge and service you need to be successful.
Areas of Practice
Divorce/Family Law
Litigation Percentage
100% of Practice Devoted to Litigation
Bar Admissions
Utah, 2010
New Mexico, 2008
U.S. District Court District of Utah, 2008
U.S. District Court District of New Mexico, 2008
U.S. Court of Appeals 10th Circuit, 2008
University of Nebraska College of Law, Lincoln, Nebraska
Honors: With Distinction
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
B.S. – 2002
Major: Psychology
Minor: Italian
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission: The Decisions and Its, N.M. Bar Bulletin,, Mar. 1, at 9., 2010
Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges, A Book Review by Marco, N.M. Bar Bulletin, Sept. 22, at 10., 2008
Honors and Awards
Utah’s Outstanding Family Law Lawyer of the Year, 2015
Professional Associations and Memberships
Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Utah State Bar Association
American Bar Association
Federal Bar Association
New Mexico Bar Association
Pro Bono Activities
Chair of Davis County Domestic Violence Coalition, 2012 – 2013
Ancillary Businesses
Mediation: Utah Mediation Services
Learn more about Marco Brown on Linkedin here.
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