Family Law Services
Our Culture
Brown Family Law prioritizes maximizing your time with children and finances through exceptional service from our expertly trained and passionate team.
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Culture and Values Constitution
At Brown Family Law, we believe deeply in creating and perpetuating values of excellence so we can help our clients (1) maximize their time with their children, and (2) maximize their money.
To accomplish this, we have a unique law firm culture. What follows is about that culture. Our ultimate goal is to create a lasting world-class family law firm by hiring the best; mentoring; training and modeling excellence; and providing each team member the mindset, skills, and freedom to serve their clients.
Below are our values and the specific behaviors and mindset we care about most.
Growth Mindset
We believe in and foster a growth mindset in every team member and in every aspect of our firm. A growth mindset dictates that we are relentless in learning and modeling excellence, both as individuals and as a team. We believe that we, as individuals, can always grow and change, and we can influence each other to do the same.
We work together as a team on every case and on every aspect of our firm. We enjoy each other and look forward to working together every day. We treat colleagues with respect at all times. Collegiality is strength. It is never an excuse for weakness or dishonesty. We give generously of our time, our knowledge, our praise, our feedback, and our resources to our colleagues.
Excellence is our standard. We strive to provide the best family law services possible, starting by communicating systematically with our clients, and then by delivering excellent lawyering. We search out, identify, develop, hire, and retain excellence. We exemplify excellence in our individual behavior, and then we lead others to excellence by example. We do one thing, and will only ever do one thing, because we will do that one thing better than everyone else.
We tell our clients the truth about their cases, always.
The more we communicate with each other and our clients, the more aligned we are as a team, and the better we serve our clients. We communicate systematically with our clients, and we never miss Wednesday texts or Friday phone calls. We speak to clients in plain English. We do not speak lawyer.
We believe in equal protection of law and equality of opportunity for each individual. We help bring about equality by uplifting those around us and helping them excel. All team members treat each other with the same level of respect, no matter one’s position in the firm.
We do meaningful work that benefits our clients and their families. We preserve our clients’ dignity and help their families undergo the least damage possible.